Our Family

Start having a real impact at SIAP

PIBO is an online platform for children contents. PiBo provides access to a wide selection of good quality children’s books through the digital library platform and e-commerce. PiBo provides kids under 12 with a personal library they can take anywhere as a smart alternative to games and videos.


At Berdaya Group, we believe tourism as a key catalyst for social and economic growth in rural areas of Indonesia. Our goal is to create a local tourism program that not only becomes a paradise for tourists, but also as an empowerment hub for the local economy.


Menjadi Manusia is an alternative media & social platform where people can share and listen to stories about life from different perspectives. We help people to find their own silver linings or insights to the struggles they are currently facing, so they can accept themselves, embrace their uniqueness, and live a better life.


Save Yourselves is a mental healthcare social enterprise with a focus on consultation, education and suicide prevention. Our aim is to increase education on mental health, decrease suicide rates amongst youth, and create an accessible and cost-effective platform for professional consultation.
